Music Electronics microArchive
Not sheet music, but still useful. It's a large collection of articles and "how-to's" on electronic music. For example, "Converting old PA Tube Amps into Guitar Amps", "Flanging Theory", and "Tube Amp Theory for Beginners". Plus, lotsa schematics.
Good Ear
The free, online ear training site. A lot of exercises help You to develop good ears.
The Saxon Lyre: History, Construction, and Playing Techniques
Stumbled across this one -- kinda neat. Lots on history and construction, but I haven't found the playing techniques part yet.
Medieval Music
Links to Medieval Music sites
Coda Music - Finale
"Our software division has just released a powerful notation software called Finale Notepad. We are making this product available at no cost over the Internet. So far we have over 100,000 downloads with no advertising!"
Scorch Music by Sibelius
Home of the well-known Scorch viewer/player. Find thousands of scores for free and for sale.
Russian Midi Music
Lots of Russian tunes -- all in MIDI, so you'll need a MIDI-to-standard-notation tool. The site's also in Russian -- great if you have Cryllic fonts, but they do have an English mirror you can click!
Gary Ewer's Easy Music Theory
A free set of online lessons that teach basic music theory. Very nice work!
Video Game Music
This is a MIDI site -- but it's a unique one! You'll find thousands of video game MIDI's here -- from the early NES and Atari to the latest Playstation games! Even many of your favorite arcade games (I'm listening to the arcade version of "Teen Age Mutant Ninja Turtles" right now!)
The American Nyckelharpa Association
Nice site with a sense of humor -- Nyckelharpa, also known as a "what is that thing?"! Lots of nice stuff about this Swedish instrument, including a great resources page (build or buy your own)
with GIF sheet music!
Songwriter Site
This one isn't a sheet music site as such, but I think it's a great fit. The site offers gazillions of articles, reports, resources, etc for songwriters -- and I think this is a topic folks on this site might find interesting. Start here and you'll find several days worth of surfing!
Gilbert and Sullivan Archive
I am the very model of a modern Major General! Really cool! "The Archive, which was established in September 1993, includes a variety of G&S related items, including clip art, librettos, plot summaries, pictures of the original G&S stars, song scores, midi and mpeg audio files (which allow you to actually listen to the music), and newsletter articles." Sing along with the midi files!
Where's the Beat?
Interesting site presenting art of polyrhythms. GIF's and MIDI's (and fee books). "Bali, where the rhythms of gamelan music fill the night air. India, birthplace of tala, a cyclical approach to rhythm. In the world fusion rhythms created by combining ideas from many traditions. In the music of the Ancient Future. In a world rhythm training manual by Matthew Montfort called Ancient Traditions -- Future Possibilities. "
the abc musical notation language
The ABC guy. Links to gazzillions of abc collections. This stuff will keep you busy for years. Also lots of general "abc" information.
Home of "SongBox", a shareware program that loads and prints "collections" of music. Offers several "collections" or "libraries" for download, including collections of traditional fiddle/dance tunes, Christmas songs, and ragtime.
US Copyright Office
Okay, it's a stretch ... BUT, if you've written your own tunes and would like to copyright them, here's a place for information and the necessary forms!
Web Tunes
Midi compositions designed to be used as "web page tunes" -- tunes that play when you open a web page. Many have violin tracks, which means you can print out the MIDI score and "play along with the band!" Note that these are copyrighted compositions and may not be otherwise distributed without permission!
Kaze no uta Midi House
Nearly a thousand video game and anime midi files! Use a midi-to-standard-notation tool for the sheet music!
Free sheet music, in pdf files, medieval, rennaissance, baroq, classical, romanticism and XX century. All instrument. In spanish by the moment.
Voyetra Turtle Beach - Music Software and Audio Hardware
Mostly commercial site supporting these fine products (I've used 'em both for years)
-- and you can also download a Music Write Songwriter free demo.
Free sheet music, in pdf files, medieval, rennaissance, baroq, classical, romanticism and XX century. All instrument. In spanish by the moment.
Mobile Phone Tunes
Program tunes into your mobile phone! Select from a wide variety of tunes and receive keypad directions to enter and play the tune!
Music Selections
Most interesting! Only midi files -- but you can use a midi-to-notation utility. You'll find movie tunes, television theme tunes, and also spiritual tunes. I found a lot of Disney tunes when I looked.
Moclin's MIDI Data Collection
Over 1,000 MIDI's (you can use a midi-to-standard-notation program)
in categories such as "Classical", "Choral", "Hymns", "Concert", "Original", etc.
Broadway MIDI
MIDI Site (Use a midi-to-standard-notation utility)
with over 4,000 tunes from Broadway musicals, movies, and opera!
My personal favorite for translations to standard notation (as in MIDI-to-standard), it not only does TAB, it does ABC, MIDI, WAV, and who knows what else. Real low-cost quality shareware from a group in France!
Schematic Connection
Vintage and Hard to Find Schematics and Service Manuals
Edinburgh University Collection of Historic Musical Instruments
Really neat! Images of historic musical instruments in the Edinburgh University collection. This page offers pictures, other links will bring you to a concise History of the Collection, an account of the Methods of Cataloguing and printed illustrations and also descriptions of the instruments.
Harmonica Home
Lots of harmonica stuff -- including free lessons!
The Greatest Source Files of Midi and Midi Karaoke
Worlds Away - The Musical Event
Worlds Away is a whole new concept in theatrical production. This site is more than just an overview of the musical. It is a dialogue between you, the audience, and the musical's creator and production staff. From here you can submit audition tapes for parts in the cast, vote for your favorite audition entry, preview songs, participate in promotional activities, and more.
The Crank Organ
How to build a simple monkey style crank organ using harmonica reeds.
Pentacostal Online Hymnal
Nice collection of hymn lyrics, but also great instrument tutorials for Mandolin,``Bouzouki, Tenor Banjo, Fretted Dulcimer, ``Guitar, Bowed Psaltery, Bandurria , Ukulele, Fife, Penny Whistle, & 6-Hole Flute, and Pan Pipes. Different forms, how to play, fingering, sheet music and tablature.
The Scales Page
Great discussion on the theory of scales!
Music Vision
The world's first daily classical music magazine
Casa Musica
Download demo copy of TimeSig 2000, software designed to help music teachers. Helps with "Scheduling lessons, groups, and performance events, tracking financial data, keeping progress notes, preparing statements are just a few of these cumbersome jobs associated with teaching music."
International Society for Music Education
Serving music educators and promoting music education world-wide
A neat cut out tool to help you transpose music between different keys. - Music With Meaning
Sheet music for thousands of songs available for download. You can even order sheet music in any key. Find the songs you are looking for.
My Music Index
"...a quick-reference, informational music resource consisting of a collection of related music links. This web site was specifically designed for music educators, students and others interested in accessing information in the areas of music education, specifically, choral music, general music, and instrumental music."
MP3 software and tutorials for CD ripping, MP3 converting, audio mixing and burning MP3s to CD.
Ukulele Lessons
Basic lessons on finding, buying, and playing a uke.
Pythagorean Tuning
Covers the system of tuning in perfect fifths commonly known as "Pythagorean intonation," its interaction with the stylistic traits of medieval polyphony, and its relationship to other systems of tuning.
Baroque Ornamentation
Discusses baroque ornamentations and embellishments -- and how to create your own!
A.D.A.M. Music School
We offers free online music lessons for beginners (piano, flute,``recorder, saxophone, guitar, clarinet), sheet music, teachers``informations, humour
Provides help and information``to support many musical activities which I use in the classroom.
Entertainment Database
Complete Music Industry Contacts Online
Nigel Gatherer's ABC Collection
How about NINE (free)
books full of ABC tunes! Varied ABC tunes including Scottish Tunes, Shetland Tunes, American Tunes, Irish Tunes, and Miscellaneous Tunes.
Music Education at Data Dragon
Learn how to read and count music notation, see and hear musical instruments, and learn about musical genres.
Free Music Promotion
The is a guerrilla music marketing and promotion ezine for the working musician. Because your musical success depends on how you market your music. Featuring: music websites you can't do without, thought-provoking stories on how to make your music career skyrocket, music cartoons, music classifieds, and music news you can use, plus, articles from top music industry professionals.
These resources include theory lessons, ear training tools, music software, and more. A useful hub for those seeking to expand their musical knowledge and skills beyond the sheet music available on the website.