Free Christian Music from Inside Out
Australian site promoting and supporting Aussie Christian Songwriters, with an emphasis on contemporary music.
ShareSong - Sharing Praise and Worship Music Freely
Download sheet music, tabs, lyric sheets & chord charts plus midi files & MP3s of the latest praise and worship music for free. is a place where Christian Songwriters can share their work with the world.
Praise Charts
Download free sheet music for your contemporary worship team, with scored parts for rhythm, vocals, brass, wind and strings. Hundreds of popular titles also available.
Music To The World - Downloads
Free christian worship music including backing tracks and sheet music
Lassen Technologies
Many many many religious MIDI hymns.
Lutheran Hymnal -- Midi Hymns
Very very nice -- even versions of Celtic tunes done as organ midi hymns. "These are the traditional songs of worship and praise from Lutheran Hymnals presented in midi, in mp3, in lyrics and in sheet music. "
Hamblen & Hamblen Music
Nicely done contemporary Christian, gospel, traditional, music site. Free sheet music, MIDI's, and Real Audio.
Vatican Music Hall
Images of original music manuscripts from the Vatican! "The manuscripts shown here present only a few samples of the extraordinary musical life sponsored by the Renaissancepapacy and the remarkable musical libraries of the papal singers. Together with the image of the papal choir in the Sistine Chapel on display in this section [Ris. Strag. 7], they give a vivid idea of the ways public performance and high art could enhance the majesty of the papacy. "
Christian Choral Music Shareware
A number of PDF's of assorted christian musical pieces ... not quite free, it's "shareware"!
Free Sheet Music
Offers graphics of standard notation of tunes (hymns when I checked)
by their original composers.
Sally DeFord Music
Sally DeFord's list of religious Latter-Day Saints music. Mostly choral, but some instrumentals.
Kingdom Music
"Kingdom Music biographical information including FREE piano music and FREE organ music, midi files, pdf files midi files for downloading"
The Messenger Project
"The Messenger Project is a Non-Profit Corporation from California that takes selected stories and verses from the Holy Bible, New International Version, and adapts them into rock, pop, country, blues, jazz and folk story songs. The music is offered free in pdf sheet-music and mp3 digital recordings from this website and our companion mp3 website "
McGem Page
Religious Sheet Music for Worship by Mark Purtill
Knecht Music
Free, downloadable, award winning LDS and Christian sheet music, from choral hymn arrangements to sacred and contemporary solos. A full Easter cantata is also available to download free.
Praise and Worship Music Resources
"IN our "Music & Media" section at HighestPraise.Com, we offer lots of original christian songs (mostly in contemporary praise/worship format/genre)
with full leadsheets (in Adobe .pdf format)."
WillowCharts - Christian Music and More!
"Master rhythm charts with three part vocals. All of our sheet music is available as downloadable PDF files. These charts include Powerpoint song lyrics. Contemporary Christian Music, Vocal parts and full charts for contemporary rhythm section. These arrangements are literal transcriptions of the original artists’ recordings. Horn Charts and Orchestra Charts "
To His Glory
Songs for Choir and Congregation -- PDF & MP3 -- Unison, SAB, SATB. ``Songs for Choir and Congregation -- Psalms, Hymns, & Spiritual Songs.
The Cyber Hymnal
"This site has over 3,200 Christian hymns and Gospel songs from many denominations. You’ll find lyrics, scores, MIDI files, pictures, history, and more."
Your Christian Home
Not really sheet music, but chords (suitable for guitar, piano, autoharp, banjo, or any chorded instrument)
and lyrics for hundreds of hymns.
In Touch Music
Helping churches communicate through the arts! Free sheet music, free drama and skits!
Songs of the Heart
LDS music in pdf format. Choir and group arrangements, special occasions like baptism, birthdays, weddings, and also primary tunes on basic principles like righteousness and truth
Songs of Praise
A large collection of original Christian praise songs with music scores, mp3 and midi files online.
Tom Lascoe Music's Prasie & Worship Song Center
Lots of FREE original Christian sheet music scores, midi files & MP3's-all freely available for you to download and use for your Church-related worship usage.
New Hope Music
"320+ Original Scripture-Based`` Songs & Hymns``Designed for Public Worship Gatherings,``Children and Bible Memorization" -- and all from a fellow Texan, I might add!
Mandolin Tablature and Chords. Spiritual tunes, classical, folk -- even tablature for the bandurria!
Gallery Music and Psalmody
Nice niche -- Caters to people who research and enjoy the music sung by church and chapel bands in the 1700s and early 1800s.
Iglesia Católica de Puerto Rico - CANTORAL
Huge collection of Catholic liturgical music.
Christian Classics Ethereal Hymnary
More than a thousand pages of sheet music, Christian and spiritual hymns categorized several ways (title, composer, meter, choral, etc)
Mass of the Archangel and Maranatha Mass -- free harp sheet music
"Shirley Starke's music for the Proper of the Mass is in two versions (really two separate Masses), Mass of the Archangel and Maranatha Mass. Each was named for her previously written music on which she based the Gloria. That of Mass of the Archangel is based on a litany in Gaelic to our Lord as King of Angels, and that of Maranatha Mass is based on the song 'Maranatha!' which appears in Angel-Chief of Many Names."
Spirit of Gospel
Here you can get free sheets of the gospel mass HE by Simon Zemzik and of other spirituals.
Stephens Music: a publisher of sacred Choral music
Sacred choral pieces in Scorch and .PDF format.
Debbie Major Music Download Page
Free sheet music from the Odyssey Records CD "You Took Me In". A dozen or so touching spiritual tunes in Scorch format.
Music for Ministry and Worship
"Welcome To Our Free Praise and Worship sheet music (...). We strive to offer Quality Free Praise and Worship Music with a new song added every month."
Kerby Music
Free LDS choral and vocal music by Lindy Kerby. Available in .pdf format and some MP3's.
The Music Page
Liturgical music available for free download; music for Masses, Psalms, Hymns (incl.Marian)/Canticles, Advent/Lent/Easter, Latin Motets, Hymn of Peace, and Instrumental Music
To His Glory
Songs for Choir and Congregation -- PDF & MP3 -- Unison, SAB, SATB. ``Songs for Choir and Congregation -- Psalms, Hymns, & Spiritual Songs.
Jazz for Worship
Praise and worship songs based on scripture with a jazz/swing feel. All scores, midi & MP3 files can be downloaded freely.
Christian Internet Cafe - Music Resources
"Are you a choir director or praise team leader? Christian band member? Or just someone looking for sources for Christian Praise & Worship Music!"
David Delgado
Free Worship Music, downloads, videos``and a song of the month club.
Nieuwe Pagina 1
Midi files off all Genevan psalms composed in the 16 th century bij Louis Bourgeois and Maître Pierre and Matthias Greiter in order off reformator John Calvin. You can find them and many other christian songs on the melodie page of our site. aswel our new organ.
Beautiful Christian and New Age Piano Music
Beautiful Piano Music of Christian and New Age Style Featuring Pianist - Yoke Wong
Intimate Worship Music from The Secret Place
CHRISTIAN SONG LYRICS SHEET MUSIC FREE``Christian sheet music FREE! Chord charts, Christian song lyrics, Christian mp3s FREE !! ``Discover free praise and worship resources from The Secret Place - intimate praise and worship. ``LINKS - Christian music lyrics guitar piano chord charts tabs midi files and more!!
Psalms in Song: Music Book and Teaching Resources
Links to Psalms music, articles, children's ministry resources. Teaching tips. Free sample song in PDF format.
Free LDS Sheet Music, featuring free sheet music downloads of the music of Mormon composer/arranger Aaron Waite, similar to other sites like Sally DeFord.
Free Worship Music
Free Quality usable legal worship music for contemporary churches and ministries.``From various worship writers
Victor Savenko. A vocal. Electronic spiritual sacred Trance music. MP3
Victor Savenko. A vocal. Electronic spiritual sacred Trance music. MP3
Francis Acland's Music Page
The site contains free sheet music of original compositions for choir and solo voice. The music is religious and suitable for Christian and LDS settings.
Russian Orthododox Sheet Music in English
This site provides free downloads of Russian Orthodox choral arrangement in English. The music is suitable for small choirs. Many arrangements have not previously been available in English.
Music Of Kabbalah
The music presented on this site embodies various variations of melodies composed by Baal HaSulam, one of the greatest Kabbalists of all time, as well as recorded songs of Kabbalists of the past. ``The visitor will also find links to various related materials on music and Kabbalah.
These resources include theory lessons, ear training tools, music software, and more. A useful hub for those seeking to expand their musical knowledge and skills beyond the sheet music available on the website.